New Week – Fresh Start

Featuring a beautiful sunset I captured in Venice, Italy.

For most of us, Monday marks the start to a new week. A chance to change our mindset from the negatives of last week to the positives we hope to come this week. It’s kind of like a mini New Years, without the ball drop and champagne (unless that’s how you prep for work, then cheers to you). I think we can all agree that New Years brings out the go-getter in all of us. With all of our goals and hopes for the upcoming year, we instantly feel inspired to just go for it. So what if we started treating every Monday as a mini New Years?

Instead of going into the week already tired and down from whatever was going on last week, we go into the week with new goals, solutions, and hopes for a better one. We completely change our mindset from “oh just another week of the same ole thing” to “cheers to another week alive, with a job, and to making it better than the last.” I’m not saying your entire week is going to be better than the previous, because life sure knows how to humble us if you know what I mean. What I’m saying is, if you treat the start to each week like a mini New Years, you’ll be guaranteed to have at least some good in your week (even if it’s just a few hours), and to me that’s better than having nothing good happen at all.

So here’s to the start of a new week and coincidentally the start of a new month (mini New Years X2). Cheers to a renewed mindset, new goals, and the new go-getter attitude you feel inspired to bring to each new week ahead.

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